Jumat, 12 Juni 2015

Nature tourism Lombok

Paket Wisata Lombok - Lombok Island is known to have many beautiful beaches as tourist scattered throughout the region, ranging from the West, east, north to south. But of the many beaches in Lombok, there are some beautiful beaches have over the other and you must visit while on vacation there. What are the beaches - beautiful beaches in the Lombok? Cekidot 😀 1. Kuta Beach - Nature LombokBisa say this beach is the most famous in South Lombok. Accommodation, restaurants and cafes can be found lined along the coast. Although not as busy as the most famous beach in Bali. Kuta Beach Lombok quieter, calmer, and more cleanly. Coupled with pale white sand and turquoise waters, make this beach very suitable for swimming, sunbathing, and most of all, enjoy the beauty of the sunrise. On this beach, you can also see the tradition of Bau Nyale held between February and March.tour lombok 2. Tanjung Aan - Nature Lombok Not far from Kuta beach, there is a more beautiful beach called Tanjung Aan. Pelafalannya way simply by "Cape An" only. One of the privileges Tanjung Aan is a type of sand, there is smooth and there are rough like pepper. In addition to beautiful beaches and deserted, left at the end of the beach there is also a unique stone which is often called the Stone Umbrella. Umbrella Stone Named because it resembles an umbrella when viewed from a certain angle. Because of its beauty, this stone is often used as a pre-wedding photo shoot location and location filming. Unfortunately, you have to be prepared with a less comfortable journey to get to this beach.lombok property 3. Mawun Beach - Nature Lombok Beach which sits in its Central Lombok is also one of the beaches that have a heavy field. You have to ride down the hill to get to Mawun. But your journey was not in vain upon arrival. His position is flanked by hills make this beach has small waves that provide a sense of peace. Moreover, not many people visit this beach adds to the peace while there. 4. The beach Selong Belanak - mutiara lombok Is one of the surf spots are already widely known by foreign tourists. The sand is fine to be a plus in Turkish Selong Belanak. Compared to the previous beaches, in Selong Belanak you can find several stalls, vending snacks, public facilities and even accommodation penginapan.Jika you have more budget, stay in Sempiah Villa is located on a hilltop. The scenery here is amazing, perfect for those who are on a honeymoon. 5. Pink Beach - Nature Lombok Beach whose real name is indeed barracks Beach has beautiful scenery and unique. Uniquely because the sand on the beach is somewhat reddish, so often dubbed premises pink beach. In addition to the unique sand, beach Pink is also surrounded by rock cliffs that add to its beauty. Underwater scenery also should be explored by snorkeling. No need to fear because the waves on the beach Pink fairly quiet. Not only that, the beauty of pristine Lombok Island makes a lot of local and foreign traveler to talk about it. Quite a lot of tourist attractions that you can visit Lombok, well below the reviews already BonjourBag.com summarize for you who want to vacation in Lombok.south sea pearls wholesale 6.Tanjung Bloam - Nature Lombok Tourist attractions in Lombok this one located in West Lombok district, not less beautiful at the beaches in Bali. The beach is not popular yet still rich in Kuta beach in Bali. So we can be sure beach with white sand and amazing natural scenery is still very natural. Crystal clear water at the beach and still awake makes the coast of Cape Bloam highly recommended for you to visit. Access roads to tourist attractions in Lombok is still fairly difficult, now that one of the causes of the coast so that one is rarely visited by the traveler. If you are a true traveler, Cape Bloam should be mandatory list kunjugan next destination. Although quite difficult to travel to the location, but will be paid equally beautiful natural scenery really. 7.Pantai Senggigi Senggigi Beach is one of the tourist attractions in Lombok who has been visited by a traveler. Panorama beautiful beaches are also offered on the beach this one. Location of Senggigi Beach is located in the region of West Lombok, precisely 8 Km from Mataram Selaparang Airport. This beach has waves are not too big so you can snorkel freely, cool right? Underwater panorama Senggigi Beach real cool. Visit and try snorkeling here, guaranteed cool, seriously! 8.Gili Nanggu Gili Nanggu If this is a tourist spot on the island of Lombok in the form of a small, but save a panorama of extraordinary beauty. Although the island has been visited by many a traveler, but the island brought the concept of Virgin Island.lombok tour

Lombok Tourism 2015

Paket Wisata Lombok - On the island of Lombok is known to have many beautiful beaches as chili travel packages that are scattered throughout the region, ranging from the West, east, north to south. But of the many beaches in Lombok, there are some beaches that have beauty, you know more than others and you must visit while vacationing in Lombok travel in 2015. What are the beaches - beautiful beaches in the Lombok? This is it. Lombok travel in 2015 is known to have many beautiful beaches as tourist scattered throughout the region, ranging from the West, east, north to south. But of the many beaches in Lombok, there are some beautiful beaches have over the other and you must visit while on vacation there. tour lombok The tourism sector has an important role in supporting the success of development in Lombok .Buat you who want to tour please visit Lombok travel in 2015, tourism serves as one tool to increase local revenue. The potential of tourism in the west of the island of Lombok is very supportive and provide an opportunity for the community, and improve the local economy around.lombok property In addition, popularly known as the island of a thousand mosques, chili also seems worth mentioning as seeribu island dyke. In addition Tramena Gili (Trawangan, Meno and Air) are so popular in the northern region, as well Gili Nanggu in its southern region, Lombok also has several other Gili on the east side that is not less interesting to visit. There are several Gili there that will dazzle you, including Gili Kondo, Gili Pasir, Bidara Gili, Gili lights, and several other Gili. There was also a unique attractions and adrenaline, you know, who do not know the natural beauty of the mountain this rinjani, want to know? Here I describe the Rinjani mountain.mutiara lombok Mount Rinjani Tourist attractions in East Lombok this one in the form of volcanoes, and is the second highest volcano in Indonesia tablets. If you are a true adventurer and traveler, one must visit this destination. Cool natural beauty, not only that you also can see the beauty of the lake saplings around Mount Rinjani. Like fishing? The chicks lake you can fish, and quite a lot of fish loh! Beauty attractions on the island of Lombok deserved beauty juxtaposed with tourism on the island of Bali.south sea pearls wholesale Structure of nature and the beauty of the island of Lombok is almost similar to Bali. Only difference, when in Bali has often untouched by man while on the island of Lombok is still very jaranga terjaman humans. No wonder if some of the attractions on the island of Lombok still looks very natural, beautiful, not an iota of change induced by human hands. For those of you who need a beautiful atmosphere, then vacation travel to lombok 2015 could be your travel destination. (Info: Lombok Tourism 2015) Not pleasant holiday in Lombok travel in 2015? cool and definitely satisfying loh: p, waiting? Ayoo Lombok travel ...lombok tour

Tour Lombok 2015

Paket Wisata Lombok - Pulau Lombok yang terkesan “mungil” dalam hal ukuran luas wilayah ini menawarkan beragam pesona alam dan keunikan budaya yang di tinggalkan oleh nenek moyang kami di masa lalu. Seperti yang saya bahas di artikel artikel sebelumnya, Tour Lomboksecara garis besar terbagi dalam 5 wilayah / kabupaten, sebut saja wisata Lombok Barat, Lombok Timur, Lombok Tengah, Lombok Utara, dan Kota Mataram sebagai jantung Kota. Kali ini saya akan coba paparkan beberapa tempat wisata Tour Lombok di Lombok Timur yang saya bagi dalam beberapa ringkasan berikut ini : 1. Wisata Otak Kokoq Joben – Tour Lombok 2015 Objek Wisata Lombok Timur yang berupa air terjun dan pemandian ini berada di kawasan Desa Montong Betok Kecamatan Montong Gading, sekitar 40Km dari jantung Kota Mataram. Dengan pesona pegunungan kecil yang merupakan perbatasan kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani dan sumber mata air yang dipercaya dapat menyembuhkan beragam penyakit kulit. Selain air terjunnya yang dingin, beberapa fasilitas tambahan seperti kolam renang menjadikan tujuan wisata yang indah ini menjadi pilihan tempat berlibur bagi keluarga. tour lombok 2. Pendakian Gunung Rinjani dan Pesona Danau Segara Anak – Tour Lombok 2015 Taman Wisata Gunung Rinjani merupakan salah satu Gunung berapi yang statusnya masih aktif dengan ketinggian 3726m dari permukaan laut. Dari beberapa jalur pendakian yang biasa digunakan, dua diantaranya berada di kawasan kabupaten Lombok Timur yaitu jalur Sembalun dan jalur selatan di Desa Aikmel. Yang menjadi daya tarik kawasan wisata Gunung Rinjani salah satunya adalah Pesona Danau Segara Anak dengan sebuah Gunung kecil disampingnya yang dijuluki dengan nama Gunung Baru Jadi. Kemudian tahun 2008 yang lalu wisata alam Gunung Rinjani ditetapkan sebagai taman bumi dunia (GEO Park) oleh Badan Gunung Api Dunia PBB. lombok property 3. Wisata Air Terjun Mayung Putek – Tour Lombok 2015 Air terjun kecil yang berada di kawasan Desa Bilok Petung – Sembalun dengan jarak tempuh sekitar 173Km dari Kota Mataram ini adalah air terjun yang mengandung belerang yang merupakan terusan dari air belerang yang berasal dari Gunung Rinjani. Dengan warna khasnya yang putih susu, air terjun ini menjadi favorit para pengunjung yang ingin menyembuhkan beragam penyakit kulit yang dideritanya, karena dipercaya kandungan belerangnya bisa menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit gatal dan penyakit kulit. 4. Wisata Air Terjun Aik Temer/ Jeruk Manis – Tour Lombok 2015 Air terjun yang berada di kawasan Desa Kembang Kuning Kecamatan Sikur ini berdekatan dengan Desa Tete Batu. Tepat di area kaki Gunung Rinjani dengan suhu udara mencapai 15’ – 25’ Ceclius. Memiliki ketinggian 40m dengan nuansa hutan dan pegunungan yang segar, lengkap dengan satwa seperti monyet liar yang bersahabat. Air terjun ini mempunya terusan dua buah sungai yang menantang para petualang untuk menyusuri kelokannya, perjalanan dari gapura / gerbang masuk yang berjarak 1 Km harus di lalui dengan berjalan kaki. 5. Desa Wisata Tete Batu – Tour Lombok 2015 Desa Tete Batu barada di ketinggian 700m dari permukaan laut. Pemandangan dan nuansa desa yang indah serta udara yang masih bebas polusi, alami, bersih dan segar akan membuat anda menjadi rileks dan nyaman berada di desa wisata ini. Selain nuansa alami yang segar, anda juga akan disambut dengan keramahtamahan warga, juga beberapa akomodasi wisata yang siap menanti anda, sebut saja hotel Soedjono dan Green Orry Cottage lengkap dengan restaurant dan beberapa wisata alternative lain yang masih berada di sekitaran hotel.mutiara lombok Tete Batu merupakan perbatasan dari beberapa objek wisata Lombok Timur lainnya seperti Aiktemer, Desa Pringgasela, Desa Suradadi dan juga Otak Kokoq. Jadi, desa wisata ini adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk beristirahat sejenak sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan ke tujuan wisata lainnya. Beberapa perusahaan travel lebih memilih desa wisata ini sebagai salah satu tempat peristirahatan bagi tamu-tamu mereka. 6. Wisata Desa Sapit – Tour Lombok 2015 Jika anda melakukan perjalanan ke kawasan wisata Sembalun dengan mengambil rute Masbagik-Aikmel-Swela-Pesugulan, maka desa ini akan anda lewati. Desa Sapit adalah sebuah perkampungan tradisional yang terletak di kecamatan Swela (Sekitar 65km dari jantung kota Selong) dengan dua nuansa pedesaan yang berupa area pertanian dengan cara tradisional yang terkesan klasik dan natural, juga pesona pegunungannya. Selain bisa melihat dengan jelas perbatasan Samudera Indonesia dan Selat Alas, dari kawasan ini kita juga bisa menikmati keindahan puncak gunung Rinjani dari bawah. Bahkan sebelum sampai di kawasan desa wisata ini anda juga bisa sekalian menikmati wisata Kolam mata air Lemor dengan hutan wisatanya yang indah.south sea pearls wholesale 7. Wisata Pantai Kaliantan – Tour Lombok 2015 Wisata pantai Kaliantan berada di wilayah Kecamatan Jerowaru yang berada di bagian selatan Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Bisa ditempuh sekitar 1 Jam dari jantung kota Mataram dengan rute Sikur – Sakra – Keruak – Jerowaru lalu dari Jerowaru ke Pemongkong – Kaliantan dengan waktu kurang lebih 90 menit. Jika dihitung dari Jerowaru, anda hanya membutuhkan 30menit dengan jarak tempuh 23Km menuju Pantai Kaliantan. Wisata pantai Kaliantan merupakan pusat atraksi wisata yang berupa seremonial budaya “Upacara Bau Nyale” yang merupakan pesta rakyat dalam prosesi penangkapan cacing laut yang biasanya dirayakan pada bulan Februari dan Maret.lombok tour

Lombok travel

Paket Wisata Lombok - Actually Mandatory Visited Travel Lombok it loads, but this time I will discuss about Attractions in North Lombok before yes, next in my next article I will discuss the other. Lombok travel must be visited - Attractions in North Lombok (KLU) | Gumantar is one of the villages of the eight villages in the subdistrict of Kayangan Lombok Utara.Hingga now, the village is much left some historical sites filled with shades of customs, mainly centered in the hamlet Dasan Beleq. In socio-cultural, indigenous peoples Dasan beleq closely associated with Islamic teachings. This can be seen from the existing cultural sites, continues to live and develop in line with the rhythms of life of local communities. Central religious aspects contained in the hamlet Gumantar, where the existing Ancient Mosque was built by the trustees and scholars' propagator of Islam earlier, while the center at the time reign there in Hamlet Dasan this Beleq.tour lombok Sites of historical relics of saints propagator of Islam which is attached to Hamlet Village Dasan Beleq Gumantar District of Kayangan KLU, according to customs figures Dasan Beleq Hamlet, Malinom (48), said that, there are some relics, diantaranya'Bale Bangar Gubuq ', which by the local people called Pagalan. Bale's, located in the middle Gubuq Beleq Dasan, with a size of 5 × 5 m. Bale (home), according Malinom, its existence is believed to be made by the person who first came and settled in the hamlet Dasan Beleq. (Info: Mandatory Visited Travel Lombok) But according to Sahir (40), one of the young leaders respected in the local village, told suarakomunitas.net, about the existence of a trustee Muslim missionaries who first came and settled in the village Dasan Beleq. Told, supposedly said, in about the 16th century AD, when Islam has begun to spread to the entire country, not to mention the propagator of Islam until well into the northern slopes of Mount Rinjani region. Included in this Beleq Dasan gumi. "His arrival of nowhere, and who its name, it can not be ascertained," said Malinom with a look of seriousness.lombok property The propagator of Islam who first came to the place (Dasan Beleq), according to Sahir, starting from Mount Rinjani. The Muslim missionaries, named Mak Beleq and Kendi (resembling jug) down from Mount Rinjani, which later, in the course of history, once in power and spread Islam in the region Bayan, Mak Beleq known as Datu Bayan.Sedangkan friend named Kendi was, at the time, stayed and spread Islam in Dasan Beleq and surrounding area. Told, before getting to Dasan Beleq, the propagator of Islam (Mak Beleq and jug) is stopped first at Semboya handler, to look around the north slope of Mount Rinjani, which way will the first goal in spreading the teachings of Islam which carries. After steady his resolve, the chosen one area as the first goal in spreading the teachings of Islam. The area, now known as Dasan Beleq Hamlet. Because that first came on the ground named Mak Beleq, before continuing its spread to the area Bayan. (Info: Mandatory Visited Travel Lombok) Later, other heritage sites in the hamlet Dasan Beleq is located in Indigenous Bale Handler Gedeng / handler Indigenous, about 400 meters towards the south Gubuq Dasan Beleq now.mutiara lombok Custom bale handler at the center of Gedeng / Indigenous handler's, made of woven bamboo tree. Ranging from roof to fence all made of bamboo. Besides Bale Adat, about 5 meters northwest side of the Indigenous Bale, founded 'Berugak Court' saka six, as a stopover point before carrying out the traditional elders in the traditional rituals of the Indigenous Bale. Aside from being a haven of traditional elders before executing the ritualistic ceremonies, then Berugak this Court, is also used as a place to prepare offerings and all forms of food dishes served in a container called a tray, which is dedicated to all indigenous peoples who attended the ceremonies, after having rituals in the Indigenous Bale.south sea pearls wholesale According to Sahir, who accompanied reporters suarakomunitas.net, when visiting Indigenous Bale handler in the middle of Gedeng some time ago, said that, if not until the time held the ritual in the Indigenous Bale, who are not allowed in or just passing inside the arena or page Indigenous Bale. "It pemalik," she assured. (Info: Mandatory Visited Travel Lombok) Suarakomunitas.net journalists too, when taking pictures and Berugak Indigenous Bale Agung, only from outside the area of ​​the barrier. Nuance is customary in a traditional village away from the noise of modern society, it is still steeped in the traditions of wetu telu, entrenched among some communities Dayan Mountain, which is still strong hold that tradition. Dasan hamlet indigenous communities Beleq, according to Sahir, a ritual in which Indigenous Bale was in the Gedeng handler, will be implemented on a large - scale four months. The ceremony, according to Sahir is Beleq Books ceremony. So called, because the ceremony is held every four months on a large scale. However Sahir also admitted, that the implementation of traditional rituals in the Gedeng handler, each month was also carried out, but merely a small ceremony ..lombok tour

Lombok Tour 3 Days 2 Nights

Paket Wisata Lombok - there are many options depending on the wisatwan disni wrote milihnya, before I tell about Lombok Tour 3 Days 2 Nights follows me kasi tourist information first: p ... Lombok is not only the island with beaches and temples, were stored here trace the spread of Islam. Ancient mosque Bayan Beleq is one of the sites mentioned this. Not only that, because it was given the title "ancient mosque" then you may be amazed by the unique structure has. Perhaps only the ancient mosque parrots Beleq one who has this kind of architecture. The size of the mosque is quite small, only 9 x 9 meters with walls of woven bamboo and comes from hardened clay paved and lined with woven bamboo mat. Bilhah-roof is made of bamboo. This mosque foundation stone without using cement. Unique is not it? Bayan Old Mosque construction has a philosophical meaning Beleq consisting of head, body and legs that describe the world over, the world's middle and bottom of which is a unity in the community of North Lombok cosmos entity. (Info: Lombok Tour 3 Days 2 Nights) Ancient mosque Bayan Belek is located in the district of North Lombok regency Bayan precisely located on the border between North Lombok and East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Bayan district includes much of downtown, or about 80 km from Mataram. Therefore, the area is still very traditional though by no means closed off from modern life. Bayan community tradition one of them visible from his house that still follow the original building their ancestors were also similar to the architecture of the mosque.tour lombok That's why, you might be a bit difficult to find this mosque because it is similar to building a house parrots in general. Shaded villagers also have some specific habits that they daily consume the fur paddy rice varieties that are believed first planted in the fields Bayan. There is also a belief if the citizens do not grow rice this type then they will experience crop failure.lombok property Ancient mosque Bayan Beleq founded about 300 years ago. Until now who founded the mosque was not yet clear. Some sources say the mosque was founded by a prince who was buried in the mosque complex known as the Tomb of Titi Mas prince. Some other stories mention Sunan Giri who built along with an empty piece of land given by the king parrots to himself. There is also mention that the mosque was built by Sunan Prapen or known by the name of Prince Senopati which is nothing but a grandson of Sunan Giri. Despite the history of the Old Mosque Bayan Beleq still confusing, but its uniqueness will not make you disappointed to visit. The name "Beleq" in this mosque means "large tomb". Yes, there are a number of tombs that were in the mosque compound that is Gaus Abdul Rozak is believed to be the first Muslim missionaries in the region. Also there is a small hut next to the rear right and left front of the mosque which is the tomb of religious leaders who intervene and take care of the construction of this mosque from the beginning.mutiara lombok This mosque is now no longer used for worship everyday. Yes, the mosque is only used when the big day warning the Islamic religion. Even more interesting, the celebration of Eid, the mosque is not only pray but held three days after the Eid celebration organized Adat High. According to local people, this celebration is used to sustain and strengthen the Eid al-Fitr. Customary activities on Eid celebration is called Serah High rack. Bringing food shelf is rectangular and made of woven bamboo covered with banana leaves. This is contained on a banana leaf meals and side dishes such as ointment, satay, fish, chicken, mutton and others. Each material is placed in the rack is the contribution of the villagers voluntarily. Cook was conducted jointly by the public Bayan. That said, by eating the food shelf, then whatever we want to be successful.south sea pearls wholesale The tourists who will visit the Old Mosque Bayan Beleq must follow the rules set by the manager must use traditional dresses and bouffant like dodot sapuk. Mosque complex is visited by many tourists during the celebration of the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad ..lombok tour

Lombok Waterfall Tour

Paket Wisata Lombok -Beach Pink In Lombok | The blue skies and crystal clear sea water nan framed white sand that may have become a common sight when visiting the beach. So what if the natural beauty of the beach sand beach framed with pink? This is certainly not unusual. This is one of the beauty that can be found in Komodo National Park, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Pink Beach or Red Beach is one of 7 only the pink sand beaches in the world. Not only gorgeous beaches conditions, underwater life at Pink Beach also store beauty and wealth of interest to dive. Underwater park Pink Beach is home to diverse species of fish, hundreds of species of coral reefs, and various other types of marine life. Therefore, snorkeling or diving is an activity that should not be missed while visiting this beautiful beach. Pink Beach is another attraction of the Park which has been crowned one of the seven natural wonders nomination in the world. Named Pink Beach because it's pink sand beaches (pink).tour lombok Local communities prefer to call it the Red Beach, while the foreign tourists prefer to call it Pink Beach. Soft pink color appears increasingly clear, especially when the waves swept away the sand. It is not certain from where the origin of the color pink sand of this beautiful. Some argue that the pink color comes from the red rubble dead and indeed are found on this beach. Another opinion says pink on Pink Sands Beach is selected for microscopic animals called foraminifera that produce red or bright pink to coral reefs.lombok property In the world, kind of beach with pink sand is only seven away. The other six are Pink Beach on Harbor Island, Bahamas; Bermuda; Santa Cruz Island, Philippines; Sardinia, Italy; Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean Island; and in Balos Lagoon, Crete, Greece. How rich and beautiful nature of Indonesia; one in seven pink sand beaches can be found in this country. Transportation Uninhabited beaches and quiet can be reached by renting a boat or speed boat from Labuan Bajo. Travel tour package usually will take you to the island of Rinca and Komodo island and then to the first. From Labuan Bajo towards Pier Loh Buaya Rinca Island takes approximately 45 minutes. On the islands you can see it is a worldwide direct dragons in their natural habitat by choosing a particular trekking paths. For more details, please read the Getting Around section. From the pier Loh Liang, a dock on the island of Komodo, it takes approximately 30 minutes away by boat to set foot in pink Beach, beach sand unusual color.mutiara lombok If you are interested in trekking through the cliffs and mangroves, it takes approximately 4 hours of walking before finally arriving at the Pink Beach.In Labuan Bajo there are also ships LOB (Live Aboard) are usually hired by divers who can also function as a place to stay for excursions charm Flores. The vessel can also be your transportation options. To reach Labuan Bajo, there are flights from Denpasar with a similar small aircraft Fokker towards Komodo Airport for approximately 1 hour. From the airport to the port of Labuan Bajo takes approximately 10-15 minutes drive. You can rent a car to get to the port. Facilities Natural conditions are still clean naturally presents a marvelous charm. Hill extends from the end of the beach to the other end as keeping this beach. Conditions deserted beaches and uninhabited give the impression of exclusivity for anyone who comes. erada in beautiful and exotic beaches is certainly a lot of relaxation activities are fun and interesting to do.south sea pearls wholesale The first activity of course enjoy the natural beauty of the pink sandy beaches which God fell into Indonesia's easternmost region. The beauty of the pink sandy beach is also equipped with a panoramic beauty of the surrounding nature. Green hills gracefully set in super blue sky decorated with white clouds. Small islands are visible from the beach was also complements the beauty of the Pink Beach. (Info: Lombok Waterfall Tour) The color of the turquoise sea water is very clear and uncover the beauty of the marine park that is also not to be missed. Even corals in the shallows can be seen with the naked eye from the ship. Well, snorkeling and diving has become a sort of mandatory activities while visiting this beach. The condition of the underwater park still pretty awake, yet a lot of damage. There are many colorful biodiversity: thousands of species of fish, hundreds of species of coral reefs either soft or hard, and so forth. Snorkeling near shore alone will indulge your senses, especially when diving deeper. Make sure you bring perlangkapan snorkeling or diving when it comes to this beautiful beach. There are a lot of rental equipment snorkeling and diving in Labuan Bajo, or you can ask a travel agent or guide you ..lombok tour

Gili Trawangan Lombok Tour

Paket Wisata Lombok - Nothing wrong indeed if many people say that Gili Trawangan is the most exotic island of Lombok. Beauty rivaling the beauty of the Caribbean Sea. Dazzling underwater beauty. Really, you have to make the Tour Lombok Gili Trawangan as the primary destination when spending time in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Tour Lombok Gili Trawangan there are a variety of ornament creation of God that you can enjoy. The sand on the beach is very white, the water is too clear, the beach area clean and free of hawkers being the main attraction Gili Trawangan. You will see how foreign tourists, in particular, casually sunbathing on the beach without being distracted. Shades of blue and green sea will become common sights of your eyes. Lauta indefinitely, beautiful colors. Yes, this is heaven Tour Lombok Gili Trawangan. We also could see the fish and coral reefs directly from the ship sailing without having to dive. (Info: Tour Lombok Gili Trawangan) For those who want to see the underwater wealth more clearly, the choice is snorkeling and diving. Flow quiet beach, make you linger see the expanse of blue coral and various fish beautifully danced. Not only that, the weather was sunny and blue skies alone was not enough to donate beauty of Gili Trawangan. This region is also quite green with a range of spruce, acacia, palm and a row of thatched houses typical Sasak tribe. A pleasant stroll across the island that only has a 2 km long and 1.5 km wide. Travelers only need 2 hours to surround Gili Trawangan. In addition to the beauty of the island saaat sip a walk, you will meet many of the island's original residents. Recognized or not, the friendliness of local people is another attraction Gili Trawangan. So, you do not have to fear getting lost because there are those who will tell the truth.tour lombok Gili Trawangan also keeps the charm for anyone who likes sunrise and sunset. You just have to sit and enjoy a whole and the rising of the sun. For photography enthusiasts, you should not miss this moment. Sunset will be more beautiful if you look at it from a hill on Gili Trawangan Lombok Tour serving superb views. We will see a panoramic view of Bali Strait and Mount Agung from a distance. Golden sunset light will slowly euthanize Gili Trawangan. Ah, but this island has never really sleep. At nightfall, we will meet many party night held some cafe seputaran this region. Moreover, when the full moon, various party held while enjoying the beauty of the full moon.lombok property mutiara lombok - Travelers on this beautiful island has many choices of activities. You can try scuba diving, snorkeling, kayaking, surfing and horse riding. Here you can not only dive at noon, some agents diving services also offer diving at night. You will see the beauty of the sea and coral reefs other than the usual. If you want to see the underwater beauty of the two destinations at the same time, they offer a snorkling from Senggigi beach to Gili Trawangan or otherwise. Exciting is not it?. (Info: Tour Lombok Gili Trawangan) Or for those who do not like the challenge of water sports, you can ride cidomo berkelling island. Cidomo stands cikar Gig Motor which is a typical train Lombok. Gili Trawangan off-limits to motorized vehicles. For the sake of comfort, tranquility and avoid pollution, tourists may only cidomo and bike riding are many rented by residents. Gili Trawangan Lombok Tour not only offers the beauty of the sea. In this place artifacts cannon which are the remnants of Japanese soldiers who had stopped at the island.south sea pearls wholesale Do not necessarily rush home if it is satisfied traveled on the island is included in the administrative area of ​​the village of West Lombok's Gili Indah, you can directly cross over to the other two namely earthen dyke and dyke meno water that is not less beautiful. Its beauty will anesthetize you. To get to Gili Trawangan, you have to wade through the Port wards, in North Lombok regency with a ticket price of Rp. 20 thousand. From the city of Mataram, Because Gili Trawangan is the island with full amenities, you will not be shortage of lodging options. Immediately select and enjoy this world-class tourist destination .. want to visit Lombok Gili Trawangan Tour ?? lombok tour